Flight VNW9504

  • Submitted By: Chris Schiessl
  • Departure Airport: Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport (KDTW)
  • Arrival Airport: Denver International Airport (KDEN)
  • Aircraft: B747-228 (2N42F01NW)
  • Flight Time: 02.31.10
  • Date Submitted: 09/27/2013
  • Status: Accepted
Flight Details
First Class Revenue:
(0 load / $ 2, 000.00 per unit
$ 0.00
Business Class Revenue:
(0 load / $ 1, 500.00 per unit
$ 0.00
Economy Class Revenue:
(0 load / $ 1, 075.00 per unit
$ 0.00
Cargo Revenue:
(217756 load / $ 0.90 per unit
$ 195, 980.40
Total Gross:
$ 54, 439.00
Fuel Cost:
(69813 fuel used @ 0.79 / unit)
$ 57, 909.90
Misc Expenses: $ 13, 125.20
Pilotpay: $ 3, 329.24
Total Revenue: ($ -19, 925.40)

Additional Log Information:

View Log

[19:28] - 747-400 Northwest
[19:28] - Flight VNW9504 is ready to depart KDTW with a final destination of KDEN.
[19:28] - Simulator Paused
[19:28] - Parking Brake Applied
[19:28] - Logo Lights ON
[19:28] - Engine 1 Started
[19:28] - Engine 2 Started
[19:28] - Engine 3 Started
[19:28] - Engine 4 Started
[19:28] - Boarding
[19:28] - ADF1 - 200.0
[19:28] - ADF2 - 200.0
[19:28] - NAV1 - 108.00
[19:28] - NAV2 - 116.90
[19:28] - COM1 - 122.95
[19:28] - COM2 - 119.90
[19:28] - Transponder - 1200
[19:29] - Simulator Un-Paused
[19:29] - NAV2 - 112.10
[19:29] - Transponder - 2200
[19:29] - NAV2 - 112.10
[19:30] - COM1 - 122.80
[19:30] - NAV2 - 112.10
[19:30] - Taxi Lights ON 10AGL
[19:30] - Navigation Lights ON 10AGL
[19:30] - Logo Lights OFF 10AGL
[19:30] - Logo Lights ON 10AGL
[19:30] - Parking Brake Released
[19:30] - NAV2 - 112.10
[19:30] - Pushing Back from the gate
[19:30] - Beacon Light ON 10AGL
[19:31] - NAV2 - 112.10
[19:31] - NAV2 - 112.10
[19:31] - NAV2 - 112.10
[19:32] - NAV2 - 112.10
[19:32] - Taxiing to Runway
[19:32] - NAV2 - 112.10
[19:32] - Beacon Lights OFF 10AGL
[19:32] - Beacon Light ON 10AGL
[19:33] - NAV2 - 112.10
[19:33] - NAV2 - 112.10
[19:33] - Flaps to position 1
[19:33] - Flaps to position 2
[19:33] - Flaps to position 3
[19:33] - Flaps to position 4
[19:33] - Beacon Lights OFF 10AGL
[19:33] - NAV2 - 112.10
[19:34] - NAV2 - 112.10
[19:34] - NAV2 - 112.10
[19:34] - NAV2 - 112.10
[19:35] - Beacon Light ON 10AGL
[19:35] - NAV2 - 112.10
[19:35] - NAV2 - 112.10
[19:36] - Beacon Lights OFF 10AGL
[19:36] - Beacon Light ON 10AGL
[19:36] - Beacon Lights OFF 10AGL
[19:36] - NAV2 - 112.10
[19:36] - Beacon Light ON 10AGL
[19:36] - Beacon Lights OFF 10AGL
[19:36] - Landing Lights ON 10AGL
[19:36] - Strobe Lights ON 10AGL
[19:36] - Wing Lights ON 10AGL
[19:36] - NAV2 - 112.10
[19:36] - NAV2 - 112.10
[19:37] - NAV2 - 112.10
[19:37] - Taking Off with 0 passengers on board
[19:37] - NAV2 - 112.10
[19:37] - Beacon Light ON 10AGL
[19:37] - Beacon Lights OFF 10AGL
[19:37] - Take off at 182kts, with a pitch of 7deg and 378843lbs of fuel on board
[19:37] - Wind Heading 150 | Wind Speed 6kts | Temperature 19 deg C
[19:37] - Beacon Light ON 66AGL
[19:37] - NAV2 - 112.10
[19:38] - Beacon Lights OFF 348AGL
[19:38] - Climbing to TOC
[19:38] - Flaps to position 3 at 1263ft and 188kts
[19:38] - NAV2 - 112.10
[19:38] - Gear up at 1187AGL
[19:38] - Flaps to position 2 at 2008ft and 190kts
[19:38] - Flaps to position 3 at 2011ft and 193kts
[19:38] - Flaps to position 4 at 1949ft and 198kts
[19:38] - NAV2 - 112.10
[19:39] - Flaps to position 3 at 2142ft and 214kts
[19:39] - NAV2 - 112.10
[19:39] - Beacon Light ON 1627AGL
[19:39] - Beacon Lights OFF 1647AGL
[19:39] - Flaps to position 2 at 2280ft and 224kts
[19:39] - NAV2 - 112.10
[19:39] - Flaps to position 1 at 2559ft and 244kts
[19:39] - NAV2 - 112.10
[19:40] - NAV2 - 112.10
[19:40] - Flaps to position 0 at 3566ft and 289kts
[19:40] - NAV2 - 117.50
[19:40] - NAV2 - 112.10
[19:40] - Beacon Light ON 3507AGL
[19:40] - NAV2 - 117.50
[19:41] - NAV2 - 112.10
[19:41] - NAV2 - 117.50
[19:41] - Beacon Lights OFF 5489AGL
[19:41] - NAV2 - 112.10
[19:41] - NAV2 - 117.50
[19:42] - Engine 1 Stopped
[19:42] - Engine 2 Stopped
[19:42] - Engine 3 Stopped
[19:42] - Engine 4 Stopped
[19:42] - Engine 1 Started
[19:42] - Engine 2 Started
[19:42] - Engine 3 Started
[19:42] - Engine 4 Started
[19:42] - Beacon Light ON 6116AGL
[19:42] - Beacon Lights OFF 6139AGL
[19:42] - Beacon Light ON 6168AGL
[19:42] - Beacon Lights OFF 6181AGL
[19:42] - NAV2 - 117.50
[19:43] - NAV2 - 112.10
[19:43] - NAV2 - 117.50
[19:43] - NAV2 - 112.10
[19:44] - Engine 1 Stopped
[19:44] - Engine 2 Stopped
[19:44] - Engine 3 Stopped
[19:44] - Engine 4 Stopped
[19:44] - Engine 1 Started
[19:44] - Engine 2 Started
[19:44] - Engine 3 Started
[19:44] - Engine 4 Started
[19:45] - NAV2 - 112.10
[19:45] - NAV2 - 117.50
[19:45] - NAV2 - 112.10
[19:45] - NAV2 - 117.50
[19:46] - NAV2 - 117.50
[19:46] - NAV2 - 117.50
[19:46] - NAV2 - 113.00
[19:46] - NAV2 - 113.00
[19:47] - Landing Lights OFF 9967AGL
[19:47] - NAV2 - 112.10
[19:47] - Taxi Lights OFF 10026AGL
[19:47] - Wing Lights OFF 10076AGL
[19:47] - NAV2 - 113.00
[19:47] - NAV2 - 112.10
[19:47] - NAV2 - 113.00
[19:48] - NAV2 - 112.10
[19:48] - NAV2 - 113.00
[19:48] - NAV2 - 112.10
[19:48] - NAV2 - 112.10
[19:49] - NAV2 - 112.10
[19:49] - NAV2 - 113.00
[19:49] - NAV2 - 112.10
[19:49] - NAV2 - 112.10
[19:49] - NAV2 - 113.00
[19:50] - NAV2 - 113.00
[19:50] - NAV2 - 112.10
[19:50] - NAV2 - 112.10
[19:50] - NAV2 - 113.00
[19:51] - NAV2 - 113.00
[19:51] - NAV2 - 113.00
[19:51] - NAV2 - 113.00
[19:51] - NAV2 - 113.00
[19:52] - NAV2 - 112.10
[19:52] - NAV2 - 113.00
[19:52] - NAV2 - 113.00
[19:52] - NAV2 - 113.00
[19:53] - NAV2 - 112.10
[19:53] - NAV2 - 112.10
[19:53] - NAV2 - 112.10
[19:53] - NAV2 - 113.00
[19:54] - NAV2 - 113.00
[19:54] - NAV2 - 112.10
[19:54] - NAV2 - 112.10
[19:54] - NAV2 - 113.00
[19:55] - NAV2 - 113.00
[19:55] - NAV2 - 113.00
[19:55] - NAV2 - 112.10
[19:55] - NAV2 - 112.10
[19:56] - NAV2 - 112.10
[19:56] - NAV2 - 113.00
[19:56] - NAV2 - 113.00
[19:56] - NAV2 - 113.00
[19:56] - NAV2 - 112.10
[19:57] - NAV2 - 112.10
[19:57] - NAV2 - 113.00
[19:57] - NAV2 - 113.00
[19:57] - NAV2 - 113.00
[19:58] - NAV2 - 112.10
[19:58] - NAV2 - 113.00
[19:58] - NAV2 - 113.00
[19:58] - NAV2 - 113.00
[19:58] - NAV2 - 113.00
[19:59] - NAV2 - 112.10
[19:59] - NAV2 - 113.00
[19:59] - NAV2 - 112.10
[19:59] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:00] - NAV2 - 112.10
[20:00] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:00] - NAV2 - 112.10
[20:00] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:01] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:01] - NAV2 - 112.10
[20:01] - NAV2 - 112.10
[20:01] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:02] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:02] - NAV2 - 112.10
[20:02] - NAV2 - 112.10
[20:02] - NAV2 - 112.10
[20:02] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:03] - NAV2 - 112.10
[20:03] - NAV2 - 112.10
[20:03] - NAV2 - 112.10
[20:03] - NAV2 - 112.10
[20:03] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:04] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:04] - NAV2 - 112.10
[20:04] - NAV2 - 112.10
[20:04] - NAV2 - 112.10
[20:05] - NAV2 - 112.10
[20:05] - NAV2 - 112.10
[20:05] - NAV2 - 112.10
[20:05] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:06] - NAV2 - 112.10
[20:06] - NAV2 - 112.10
[20:06] - TOC reached
[20:06] - Cruise started
[20:06] - NAV2 - 112.10
[20:06] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:07] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:07] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:07] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:07] - NAV2 - 112.10
[20:07] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:08] - NAV2 - 112.10
[20:08] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:08] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:08] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:08] - NAV2 - 112.10
[20:09] - NAV2 - 112.10
[20:09] - NAV2 - 112.10
[20:09] - NAV2 - 112.10
[20:09] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:10] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:10] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:10] - NAV2 - 112.10
[20:10] - NAV2 - 112.10
[20:11] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:11] - NAV2 - 112.10
[20:11] - NAV2 - 112.10
[20:11] - NAV2 - 112.10
[20:12] - NAV2 - 112.10
[20:12] - Overspeed! 533kts, 33011AGL
[20:12] - NAV2 - 112.10
[20:12] - NAV2 - 112.10
[20:12] - NAV2 - 112.10
[20:13] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:13] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:13] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:13] - NAV2 - 112.10
[20:13] - NAV2 - 112.10
[20:14] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:14] - NAV2 - 112.10
[20:14] - NAV2 - 112.10
[20:14] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:15] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:15] - NAV2 - 112.10
[20:15] - NAV2 - 112.10
[20:15] - NAV2 - 112.10
[20:15] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:16] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:16] - NAV2 - 112.10
[20:16] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:16] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:17] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:17] - NAV2 - 112.10
[20:17] - NAV2 - 112.10
[20:17] - NAV2 - 112.10
[20:18] - NAV2 - 112.10
[20:18] - NAV2 - 112.10
[20:18] - NAV2 - 112.10
[20:18] - NAV2 - 112.10
[20:19] - NAV2 - 112.10
[20:19] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:19] - NAV2 - 112.10
[20:19] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:19] - NAV2 - 112.10
[20:19] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:20] - NAV2 - 112.10
[20:20] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:20] - NAV2 - 112.10
[20:20] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:20] - NAV2 - 112.10
[20:21] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:21] - NAV2 - 112.10
[20:21] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:21] - NAV2 - 112.10
[20:21] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:22] - NAV2 - 112.10
[20:22] - NAV2 - 112.10
[20:22] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:23] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:23] - NAV2 - 114.60
[20:23] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:23] - NAV2 - 114.60
[20:23] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:24] - NAV2 - 114.60
[20:24] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:24] - NAV2 - 114.60
[20:24] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:25] - NAV2 - 114.60
[20:25] - NAV2 - 114.60
[20:25] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:25] - NAV2 - 114.60
[20:25] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:26] - NAV2 - 114.60
[20:26] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:26] - NAV2 - 114.60
[20:26] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:26] - NAV2 - 114.60
[20:27] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:27] - NAV2 - 114.60
[20:27] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:27] - NAV2 - 114.60
[20:27] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:28] - NAV2 - 114.60
[20:28] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:28] - Overspeed corrected at 33232AGL
[20:28] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:28] - NAV2 - 114.60
[20:28] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:29] - NAV2 - 114.60
[20:29] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:29] - NAV2 - 114.60
[20:29] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:30] - NAV2 - 114.60
[20:30] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:30] - NAV2 - 114.60
[20:30] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:30] - NAV2 - 114.60
[20:30] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:31] - NAV2 - 114.60
[20:31] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:31] - NAV2 - 114.60
[20:31] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:31] - COM1 - 133.40
[20:32] - NAV2 - 114.60
[20:32] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:32] - NAV2 - 114.60
[20:32] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:32] - NAV2 - 114.60
[20:33] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:33] - NAV2 - 114.60
[20:33] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:33] - NAV2 - 114.60
[20:33] - Beacon Light ON 33193AGL
[20:33] - Beacon Lights OFF 33193AGL
[20:33] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:33] - NAV2 - 114.60
[20:34] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:34] - NAV2 - 114.60
[20:34] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:34] - NAV2 - 114.60
[20:34] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:35] - NAV2 - 114.60
[20:35] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:35] - NAV2 - 114.60
[20:35] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:35] - NAV2 - 114.60
[20:36] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:36] - COM1 - 133.40
[20:36] - NAV2 - 114.60
[20:36] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:36] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:37] - NAV2 - 113.25
[20:37] - Transponder - 3605
[20:37] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:37] - NAV2 - 113.25
[20:37] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:37] - NAV2 - 113.25
[20:38] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:38] - NAV2 - 113.25
[20:38] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:38] - NAV2 - 113.25
[20:38] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:39] - NAV2 - 113.25
[20:39] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:39] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:39] - NAV2 - 113.25
[20:40] - NAV2 - 113.25
[20:40] - NAV2 - 113.25
[20:41] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:41] - Beacon Light ON 32962AGL
[20:41] - NAV2 - 113.25
[20:41] - Beacon Lights OFF 32910AGL
[20:41] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:41] - NAV2 - 113.25
[20:42] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:42] - NAV2 - 113.25
[20:42] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:42] - NAV2 - 113.25
[20:42] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:43] - NAV2 - 113.25
[20:43] - NAV2 - 113.25
[20:43] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:43] - NAV2 - 113.25
[20:44] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:44] - NAV2 - 113.25
[20:44] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:44] - NAV2 - 113.25
[20:44] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:45] - NAV2 - 113.25
[20:45] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:45] - NAV2 - 113.25
[20:45] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:45] - NAV2 - 113.25
[20:46] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:46] - NAV2 - 113.25
[20:46] - NAV2 - 113.25
[20:46] - NAV2 - 113.25
[20:46] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:47] - NAV2 - 113.25
[20:47] - NAV2 - 113.25
[20:47] - NAV2 - 113.25
[20:47] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:48] - NAV2 - 113.25
[20:48] - NAV2 - 113.25
[20:48] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:48] - NAV2 - 113.25
[20:49] - NAV2 - 113.25
[20:49] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:49] - NAV2 - 113.25
[20:49] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:50] - NAV2 - 113.25
[20:50] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:50] - NAV2 - 113.25
[20:50] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:50] - NAV2 - 113.25
[20:51] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:51] - NAV2 - 113.25
[20:51] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:51] - NAV2 - 113.25
[20:51] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:51] - NAV2 - 113.25
[20:52] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:52] - NAV2 - 113.25
[20:52] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:52] - NAV2 - 113.25
[20:52] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:53] - NAV2 - 113.25
[20:53] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:53] - NAV2 - 113.25
[20:53] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:53] - NAV2 - 113.25
[20:54] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:54] - NAV2 - 113.25
[20:54] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:54] - NAV2 - 113.25
[20:54] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:55] - NAV2 - 113.25
[20:55] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:55] - NAV2 - 113.25
[20:55] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:55] - NAV2 - 113.25
[20:56] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:56] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:56] - NAV2 - 113.25
[20:56] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:56] - NAV2 - 113.25
[20:57] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:57] - NAV2 - 113.25
[20:57] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:57] - NAV2 - 113.25
[20:57] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:58] - NAV2 - 113.25
[20:58] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:58] - NAV2 - 113.25
[20:58] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:58] - NAV2 - 113.25
[20:59] - NAV2 - 113.00
[20:59] - NAV2 - 113.25
[21:00] - Engine 1 Stopped
[21:00] - Engine 2 Stopped
[21:00] - Engine 3 Stopped
[21:00] - Engine 4 Stopped
[21:00] - Engine 1 Started
[21:00] - Engine 2 Started
[21:00] - Engine 4 Started
[21:00] - Engine 3 Started
[21:00] - NAV2 - 113.25
[21:00] - NAV2 - 113.00
[21:00] - NAV2 - 113.25
[21:00] - NAV2 - 113.00
[21:01] - NAV2 - 113.25
[21:01] - NAV2 - 113.00
[21:01] - NAV2 - 113.25
[21:01] - NAV2 - 113.00
[21:02] - NAV2 - 113.00
[21:02] - NAV2 - 113.25
[21:02] - NAV2 - 113.00
[21:03] - NAV2 - 113.25
[21:03] - NAV2 - 113.00
[21:03] - COM1 - 135.60
[21:03] - NAV2 - 113.25
[21:03] - NAV2 - 113.00
[21:04] - NAV2 - 113.25
[21:04] - NAV2 - 113.00
[21:04] - NAV2 - 113.25
[21:05] - Engine 1 Stopped
[21:05] - Engine 2 Stopped
[21:05] - Engine 3 Stopped
[21:05] - Engine 4 Stopped
[21:05] - Engine 1 Started
[21:05] - Engine 2 Started
[21:05] - Engine 3 Started
[21:05] - Engine 4 Started
[21:05] - Simulator Paused
[21:05] - Navigation Lights OFF 32225AGL
[21:05] - Strobe Lights OFF 32225AGL
[21:05] - Logo Lights OFF 32225AGL
[21:05] - NAV2 - 113.00
[21:05] - Simulator Un-Paused
[21:05] - Navigation Lights ON 32225AGL
[21:05] - Strobe Lights ON 32225AGL
[21:05] - Logo Lights ON 32225AGL
[21:06] - NAV2 - 113.25
[21:06] - NAV2 - 113.00
[21:06] - NAV2 - 113.25
[21:07] - NAV2 - 113.00
[21:07] - NAV2 - 113.25
[21:07] - NAV2 - 113.00
[21:07] - NAV2 - 113.25
[21:07] - NAV2 - 113.00
[21:08] - NAV2 - 113.00
[21:08] - NAV2 - 108.80
[21:08] - NAV2 - 113.00
[21:08] - NAV2 - 108.80
[21:09] - NAV2 - 113.00
[21:09] - NAV2 - 108.80
[21:09] - NAV2 - 113.00
[21:09] - NAV2 - 108.80
[21:09] - NAV2 - 113.00
[21:10] - NAV2 - 108.80
[21:10] - NAV2 - 113.00
[21:10] - NAV2 - 108.80
[21:10] - NAV2 - 113.90
[21:10] - NAV2 - 108.80
[21:10] - NAV2 - 113.90
[21:11] - NAV2 - 108.80
[21:11] - NAV2 - 113.90
[21:11] - NAV2 - 108.80
[21:11] - NAV2 - 113.90
[21:11] - NAV2 - 108.80
[21:12] - NAV2 - 113.90
[21:12] - NAV2 - 108.80
[21:12] - NAV2 - 113.90
[21:12] - NAV2 - 108.80
[21:12] - NAV2 - 113.90
[21:13] - NAV2 - 108.80
[21:13] - NAV2 - 113.90
[21:13] - Beacon Light ON 31234AGL
[21:13] - Beacon Lights OFF 31148AGL
[21:13] - TOD reached
[21:13] - Descending to destination
[21:13] - NAV2 - 108.80
[21:13] - NAV2 - 113.90
[21:13] - NAV2 - 108.80
[21:14] - NAV2 - 113.90
[21:14] - NAV2 - 108.80
[21:14] - NAV2 - 113.90
[21:14] - NAV2 - 108.80
[21:14] - NAV2 - 113.90
[21:15] - NAV2 - 108.80
[21:15] - NAV2 - 113.90
[21:15] - NAV2 - 113.90
[21:15] - NAV2 - 108.80
[21:15] - NAV2 - 113.90
[21:16] - NAV2 - 108.80
[21:16] - NAV2 - 113.90
[21:16] - NAV2 - 108.80
[21:16] - NAV2 - 113.90
[21:16] - NAV2 - 108.80
[21:17] - NAV2 - 113.90
[21:17] - NAV2 - 108.80
[21:17] - NAV2 - 113.90
[21:17] - NAV2 - 108.80
[21:18] - NAV2 - 108.80
[21:18] - NAV2 - 113.90
[21:18] - NAV2 - 108.80
[21:18] - NAV2 - 113.90
[21:19] - NAV2 - 113.90
[21:19] - NAV2 - 117.40
[21:19] - NAV2 - 113.90
[21:20] - NAV2 - 117.40
[21:20] - NAV2 - 113.90
[21:20] - NAV2 - 117.40
[21:20] - NAV2 - 113.90
[21:20] - NAV2 - 117.40
[21:21] - NAV2 - 113.90
[21:21] - NAV2 - 117.40
[21:21] - NAV2 - 113.90
[21:21] - NAV2 - 117.40
[21:21] - NAV2 - 113.90
[21:22] - NAV2 - 117.40
[21:22] - NAV2 - 113.90
[21:22] - NAV2 - 117.40
[21:22] - NAV2 - 113.90
[21:22] - NAV2 - 117.40
[21:23] - NAV2 - 113.90
[21:23] - NAV2 - 117.40
[21:23] - NAV2 - 113.90
[21:23] - NAV2 - 117.40
[21:23] - NAV2 - 113.90
[21:24] - NAV2 - 117.40
[21:24] - NAV2 - 113.90
[21:24] - NAV2 - 117.40
[21:24] - NAV2 - 113.90
[21:24] - NAV2 - 117.40
[21:25] - NAV2 - 113.90
[21:25] - NAV2 - 117.40
[21:25] - NAV2 - 113.90
[21:25] - NAV2 - 117.40
[21:25] - NAV2 - 113.90
[21:26] - NAV2 - 117.40
[21:26] - NAV2 - 113.90
[21:26] - NAV2 - 117.40
[21:26] - NAV2 - 113.90
[21:26] - NAV2 - 117.40
[21:27] - NAV2 - 117.40
[21:27] - NAV2 - 113.90
[21:27] - NAV2 - 117.40
[21:27] - NAV2 - 113.90
[21:27] - NAV2 - 117.40
[21:28] - NAV2 - 117.40
[21:28] - NAV2 - 113.90
[21:28] - NAV2 - 113.90
[21:28] - NAV2 - 117.40
[21:28] - NAV2 - 113.90
[21:29] - NAV2 - 117.40
[21:29] - NAV2 - 113.90
[21:29] - NAV2 - 117.40
[21:29] - NAV2 - 113.90
[21:29] - NAV2 - 117.40
[21:30] - NAV2 - 113.90
[21:30] - NAV2 - 117.40
[21:30] - NAV2 - 113.90
[21:30] - NAV2 - 117.40
[21:30] - NAV2 - 113.90
[21:31] - NAV2 - 117.40
[21:31] - NAV2 - 113.90
[21:31] - NAV2 - 117.40
[21:31] - NAV2 - 113.90
[21:31] - NAV2 - 117.40
[21:31] - NAV2 - 113.90
[21:32] - NAV2 - 117.40
[21:32] - Beacon Light ON 30479AGL
[21:32] - NAV2 - 113.90
[21:32] - Beacon Lights OFF 30479AGL
[21:32] - NAV2 - 117.40
[21:32] - NAV2 - 113.90
[21:33] - NAV2 - 113.90
[21:33] - NAV2 - 115.90
[21:33] - NAV2 - 113.90
[21:33] - NAV2 - 115.90
[21:33] - NAV2 - 113.90
[21:34] - NAV2 - 115.90
[21:34] - NAV2 - 112.60
[21:34] - NAV2 - 115.90
[21:34] - NAV2 - 112.60
[21:34] - NAV2 - 115.90
[21:34] - NAV2 - 112.60
[21:35] - NAV2 - 115.90
[21:35] - NAV2 - 112.60
[21:35] - NAV2 - 115.90
[21:35] - NAV2 - 112.60
[21:35] - NAV2 - 115.90
[21:36] - NAV2 - 112.60
[21:36] - NAV2 - 115.90
[21:36] - NAV2 - 112.60
[21:36] - NAV2 - 112.60
[21:37] - NAV2 - 115.90
[21:37] - NAV2 - 112.60
[21:37] - NAV2 - 115.90
[21:37] - NAV2 - 112.60
[21:37] - NAV2 - 115.90
[21:37] - Simulator Paused
[21:38] - NAV2 - 112.60
[21:38] - Simulator Un-Paused
[21:38] - NAV2 - 112.60
[21:38] - NAV2 - 115.90
[21:38] - NAV2 - 112.60
[21:39] - NAV2 - 112.60
[21:39] - NAV2 - 114.20
[21:39] - NAV2 - 112.60
[21:39] - NAV2 - 114.20
[21:39] - NAV2 - 112.60
[21:40] - NAV2 - 114.20
[21:40] - NAV2 - 112.60
[21:40] - NAV2 - 114.20
[21:40] - NAV2 - 112.60
[21:40] - NAV2 - 114.20
[21:41] - NAV2 - 112.60
[21:41] - NAV2 - 114.20
[21:41] - NAV2 - 114.20
[21:41] - NAV2 - 112.60
[21:42] - NAV2 - 114.20
[21:42] - NAV2 - 112.60
[21:42] - COM1 - 119.30
[21:42] - NAV2 - 112.60
[21:42] - NAV2 - 114.20
[21:42] - NAV2 - 112.60
[21:43] - NAV2 - 114.20
[21:43] - NAV2 - 112.60
[21:43] - NAV2 - 114.20
[21:43] - NAV2 - 112.60
[21:44] - NAV2 - 114.20
[21:44] - NAV2 - 112.60
[21:44] - NAV2 - 114.20
[21:44] - Landing Lights ON 17825AGL
[21:44] - Taxi Lights ON 17795AGL
[21:44] - NAV2 - 112.60
[21:44] - Wing Lights ON 17749AGL
[21:44] - Strobe Lights OFF 17737AGL
[21:44] - Strobe Lights ON 17730AGL
[21:44] - Navigation Lights OFF 17713AGL
[21:44] - Navigation Lights ON 17710AGL
[21:44] - NAV2 - 114.20
[21:44] - NAV2 - 112.60
[21:45] - NAV2 - 114.20
[21:45] - NAV2 - 112.60
[21:45] - NAV2 - 114.20
[21:45] - NAV2 - 112.60
[21:45] - NAV2 - 114.20
[21:46] - NAV2 - 112.60
[21:46] - NAV2 - 114.20
[21:46] - NAV2 - 112.60
[21:46] - Beacon Light ON 14203AGL
[21:46] - Beacon Lights OFF 14035AGL
[21:46] - NAV2 - 114.20
[21:46] - NAV2 - 112.60
[21:46] - Flaps to position 1 at 18369ft and 336kts
[21:47] - NAV2 - 114.20
[21:47] - NAV2 - 112.60
[21:47] - NAV2 - 114.20
[21:47] - NAV2 - 112.60
[21:47] - NAV2 - 114.20
[21:48] - NAV2 - 112.60
[21:48] - NAV1 - 108.50
[21:48] - NAV2 - 114.20
[21:48] - NAV2 - 112.60
[21:48] - NAV2 - 114.20
[21:48] - NAV2 - 112.60
[21:49] - NAV2 - 114.20
[21:49] - NAV2 - 112.60
[21:49] - NAV2 - 114.20
[21:49] - NAV2 - 112.60
[21:49] - NAV2 - 114.20
[21:50] - NAV2 - 112.60
[21:50] - NAV2 - 114.20
[21:50] - NAV2 - 112.60
[21:50] - NAV2 - 114.20
[21:50] - NAV2 - 112.60
[21:51] - NAV2 - 114.20
[21:51] - NAV2 - 112.60
[21:51] - NAV2 - 114.20
[21:51] - NAV2 - 112.60
[21:51] - COM1 - 123.85
[21:51] - NAV2 - 114.20
[21:52] - NAV2 - 112.60
[21:52] - NAV2 - 114.20
[21:52] - NAV2 - 112.60
[21:52] - NAV2 - 114.20
[21:52] - Landing Shortly
[21:52] - NAV2 - 112.60
[21:53] - NAV2 - 114.20
[21:53] - Flaps to position 2 at 10269ft and 264kts
[21:53] - NAV2 - 112.60
[21:53] - NAV2 - 114.20
[21:53] - Flaps to position 3 at 9977ft and 243kts
[21:53] - NAV2 - 112.60
[21:53] - NAV2 - 114.20
[21:54] - Flaps to position 4 at 9813ft and 230kts
[21:54] - NAV2 - 112.60
[21:54] - NAV2 - 114.20
[21:54] - NAV2 - 112.60
[21:54] - NAV2 - 114.20
[21:54] - NAV2 - 112.60
[21:55] - NAV2 - 114.20
[21:55] - NAV2 - 112.60
[21:55] - NAV2 - 114.20
[21:55] - NAV2 - 112.60
[21:56] - NAV2 - 114.20
[21:56] - NAV2 - 113.10
[21:56] - NAV2 - 114.20
[21:56] - NAV2 - 113.10
[21:56] - Simulator Paused
[21:56] - Navigation Lights OFF 3212AGL
[21:56] - Landing Lights OFF 3212AGL
[21:56] - Taxi Lights OFF 3212AGL
[21:56] - Strobe Lights OFF 3212AGL
[21:56] - Wing Lights OFF 3212AGL
[21:56] - Logo Lights OFF 3212AGL
[21:56] - NAV2 - 114.20
[21:57] - Simulator Un-Paused
[21:57] - Navigation Lights ON 3212AGL
[21:57] - Landing Lights ON 3212AGL
[21:57] - Taxi Lights ON 3212AGL
[21:57] - Strobe Lights ON 3212AGL
[21:57] - Wing Lights ON 3212AGL
[21:57] - Logo Lights ON 3212AGL
[21:57] - NAV2 - 113.10
[21:57] - NAV2 - 114.20
[21:57] - NAV2 - 117.90
[21:57] - NAV2 - 114.20
[21:58] - NAV2 - 114.20
[21:58] - Landed at -98fpm. With 315164lbs of fuel onboard and a pitch angle of 0deg.
[21:58] - Wind Heading 360 | Wind Speed 12kts | Temperature 4 deg C
[21:58] - NAV2 - 114.20
[21:58] - NAV2 - 113.00
[21:58] - NAV2 - 114.20
[21:59] - NAV2 - 113.80
[21:59] - NAV2 - 114.20
[21:59] - Simulator Paused
[21:59] - Simulator Un-Paused
[21:59] - NAV2 - 113.80
[21:59] - NAV2 - 114.20
[21:59] - NAV2 - 113.80
[22:00] - NAV2 - 114.20
[22:00] - NAV2 - 113.80
[22:00] - Gear down at 1853AGL
[22:00] - NAV2 - 114.20
[22:00] - NAV2 - 113.80
[22:00] - NAV2 - 114.20
[22:00] - Flaps to position 5 at 7618ft and 295kts
[22:00] - Flaps to position 6 at 7615ft and 294kts
[22:00] - Flaps to position 5 at 7598ft and 293kts
[22:00] - Flaps to position 6 at 7559ft and 288kts
[22:00] - Flaps to position 5 at 7552ft and 287kts
[22:00] - Flaps to position 6 at 7510ft and 278kts
[22:00] - Flaps to position 5 at 7497ft and 276kts
[22:00] - Flaps to position 6 at 7487ft and 276kts
[22:00] - Flaps to position 5 at 7474ft and 275kts
[22:00] - Flaps to position 6 at 7464ft and 275kts
[22:00] - Flaps to position 5 at 7441ft and 274kts
[22:00] - Flaps to position 6 at 7434ft and 274kts
[22:01] - NAV2 - 113.80
[22:01] - Flaps to position 5 at 7408ft and 273kts
[22:01] - Beacon Light ON 1033AGL
[22:01] - Flaps to position 6 at 7402ft and 273kts
[22:01] - Flaps to position 5 at 7388ft and 273kts
[22:01] - Flaps to position 6 at 7365ft and 271kts
[22:01] - Flaps to position 5 at 7343ft and 270kts
[22:01] - Flaps to position 6 at 7333ft and 270kts
[22:01] - Flaps to position 5 at 7316ft and 269kts
[22:01] - Flaps to position 6 at 7297ft and 268kts
[22:01] - Flaps to position 5 at 7290ft and 268kts
[22:01] - Flaps to position 6 at 7228ft and 267kts
[22:01] - Flaps to position 5 at 7218ft and 266kts
[22:01] - Flaps to position 6 at 7208ft and 266kts
[22:01] - Flaps to position 5 at 7103ft and 265kts
[22:01] - Flaps to position 6 at 7100ft and 264kts
[22:01] - Flaps to position 5 at 7083ft and 264kts
[22:01] - Flaps to position 6 at 7070ft and 263kts
[22:01] - NAV2 - 114.20
[22:01] - Flaps to position 5 at 7051ft and 262kts
[22:01] - Flaps to position 6 at 7014ft and 254kts
[22:01] - Flaps to position 5 at 7011ft and 254kts
[22:01] - Flaps to position 6 at 6982ft and 253kts
[22:01] - Flaps to position 5 at 6972ft and 252kts
[22:01] - Flaps to position 6 at 6946ft and 250kts
[22:01] - Flaps to position 5 at 6942ft and 249kts
[22:01] - Flaps to position 6 at 6923ft and 248kts
[22:01] - Flaps to position 5 at 6909ft and 246kts
[22:01] - Flaps to position 6 at 6890ft and 244kts
[22:01] - Flaps to position 5 at 6870ft and 242kts
[22:01] - Flaps to position 6 at 6860ft and 252kts
[22:01] - Flaps to position 5 at 6847ft and 251kts
[22:01] - Flaps to position 6 at 6827ft and 248kts
[22:01] - Flaps to position 5 at 6824ft and 248kts
[22:01] - Flaps to position 6 at 6808ft and 235kts
[22:01] - Flaps to position 5 at 6804ft and 234kts
[22:01] - Flaps to position 6 at 6801ft and 234kts
[22:01] - Flaps to position 5 at 6791ft and 233kts
[22:01] - Flaps to position 6 at 6785ft and 233kts
[22:01] - Flaps to position 5 at 6759ft and 231kts
[22:01] - NAV2 - 113.80
[22:01] - Flaps to position 6 at 6752ft and 230kts
[22:01] - Flaps to position 5 at 6745ft and 230kts
[22:01] - Flaps to position 6 at 6742ft and 230kts
[22:01] - Flaps to position 5 at 6719ft and 243kts
[22:01] - Flaps to position 6 at 6686ft and 226kts
[22:01] - Flaps to position 5 at 6686ft and 226kts
[22:01] - Flaps to position 6 at 6680ft and 225kts
[22:01] - Flaps to position 5 at 6680ft and 225kts
[22:01] - Flaps to position 6 at 6670ft and 225kts
[22:01] - Flaps to position 5 at 6660ft and 231kts
[22:01] - Flaps to position 6 at 6657ft and 230kts
[22:01] - Flaps to position 5 at 6637ft and 228kts
[22:01] - Flaps to position 6 at 6604ft and 228kts
[22:01] - Flaps to position 5 at 6594ft and 227kts
[22:01] - Flaps to position 6 at 6588ft and 226kts
[22:01] - Flaps to position 5 at 6585ft and 226kts
[22:01] - Flaps to position 6 at 6578ft and 215kts
[22:01] - Flaps to position 5 at 6545ft and 212kts
[22:01] - NAV2 - 114.20
[22:01] - Flaps to position 6 at 6539ft and 212kts
[22:01] - Flaps to position 5 at 6526ft and 211kts
[22:01] - Flaps to position 6 at 6522ft and 210kts
[22:01] - Flaps to position 5 at 6496ft and 209kts
[22:01] - Flaps to position 6 at 6486ft and 208kts
[22:01] - Flaps to position 5 at 6453ft and 207kts
[22:01] - Flaps to position 6 at 6437ft and 206kts
[22:01] - Flaps to position 5 at 6414ft and 205kts
[22:01] - Flaps to position 6 at 6414ft and 205kts
[22:01] - Flaps to position 5 at 6407ft and 204kts
[22:01] - Flaps to position 6 at 6388ft and 210kts
[22:01] - Flaps to position 5 at 6375ft and 210kts
[22:01] - Flaps to position 6 at 6362ft and 202kts
[22:01] - Flaps to position 5 at 6342ft and 200kts
[22:01] - Flaps to position 6 at 6319ft and 199kts
[22:01] - Flaps to position 5 at 6302ft and 207kts
[22:01] - Flaps to position 6 at 6296ft and 207kts
[22:01] - Flaps to position 5 at 6280ft and 205kts
[22:01] - Flaps to position 6 at 6273ft and 204kts
[22:01] - Flaps to position 5 at 6257ft and 201kts
[22:01] - Flaps to position 6 at 6253ft and 201kts
[22:01] - Flaps to position 5 at 6247ft and 199kts
[22:01] - Flaps to position 6 at 6247ft and 198kts
[22:01] - Flaps to position 5 at 6240ft and 186kts
[22:01] - Flaps to position 6 at 6234ft and 184kts
[22:01] - NAV2 - 113.80
[22:02] - NAV2 - 114.20
[22:02] - Beacon Lights OFF 36AGL
[22:02] - NAV2 - 113.80
[22:02] - NAV2 - 114.20
[22:02] - NAV2 - 113.80
[22:02] - NAV2 - 114.20
[22:03] - NAV2 - 113.80
[22:03] - NAV2 - 114.20
[22:03] - Taxiing to Gate
[22:03] - NAV1 - 108.00
[22:03] - NAV2 - 113.80
[22:03] - NAV2 - 114.20
[22:03] - Parking Brake Applied
[22:03] - Arrived safely at KDEN. We hope you enjoyed your flight!
[22:03] - NAV2 - 113.80
[22:03] - 747-400 Northwest
[22:03] - MaxSim Rate: 1x
[22:03] - ver


Commenter Comment
Mark Toler nice one!!!

Route Map

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