Flight NWA246

  • Submitted By: Ingo Nickmann
  • Departure Airport: Chicago O'Hare International Airport (KORD)
  • Arrival Airport: Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport (KDTW)
  • Aircraft: A320-200 (2N2202NW)
  • Flight Time: 1.07
  • Date Submitted: 05/12/2020
  • Status: Accepted
Flight Details
First Class Revenue:
(16 load / $ 612.00 per unit
$ 9, 792.00
Business Class Revenue:
(14 load / $ 0.00 per unit
$ 0.00
Economy Class Revenue:
(88 load / $ 408.00 per unit
$ 35, 904.00
Cargo Revenue:
(10 load / $ 0.90 per unit
$ 9.00
Total Gross:
$ 45, 705.00
Fuel Cost:
(4500 fuel used @ 0.79 / unit)
$ 3, 780.00
Misc Expenses: $ 8, 057.79
Pilotpay: $ 78.07
Total Revenue: $ 33, 789.10


Commenter Comment
Robbie Suwary Hello Ingo, Could you send me an email? It appears we don't have a valid email for you. My email is cto@vnorthwest.com. Are you having issues with smartCARS? Just wondering because I see you keep filling manual PIREPs. I'd be more than happy to help you fix it! Thanks, Robbie
Mark Toler Hey Ingo, why did you have to file a manual PIREP on this flight. I see you didnt have any issues on the flight you flew on June 1st. Please let us know the reason so we can approve this one. Thanks so much and keep up the great work! Mark Toler
Ingo Nickmann Dear Robbie, Dear Mark, Thank you for getting in touch with me. I had problems with our internet provider which should be solved now. I have tired it today and it works fine again. Thanks for your help and understanding. Best regards from German Ingo

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