Memphis International Airport

KMEM - Memphis International Airport

Hub News

Updated 12/31/2020 By Devin Caliri



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Happy New Year!!!!

Welcome to the Memphis Hub!


 KMEM Hub Management


Devin Caliri - NWA3000







NWA3013 – Eddie Rodriguez - Senior Captain





We are pleased to announce we have added 2 routes into Barbados,  Grantley Adams International Airport (TBPB).  We have a non-stop out of MSP into TBPB with a return route operated with a A330-200 - VNW1219 & VNW1220.  We also have a route originating out of KMEM with one stop into KMIA and then to TBPB with return routing the same operated with a 757-200W, VNW3059, VNW3060, VNW3267, VNW3268.

We hope you enjoy these routes into the beautiful island of Barbados.

vNWA Operations







                     Fleet addition to Memphis with Vintage Douglas DC-6B


We are pleased to announce that we have added a Vintage Douglas DC-6B Aircraft to the KMEM Hub  vNWA Fleet.  We already have  routing out of KMEM to KDTW,  then to KMSP, and back to KMEM.  We also have a KMEM to KCLT and back as well.  A few more will be added and posted to let you know.  

It's always good to remember where we come from in the earlier years of aviation and show respect for getting us to where we are today by continuing to fly some of the older aircraft.
That is why we are adding a few to our fleet to remember the "Oldies but Goodies".  We also added one to our KCLT Hub for NASCAR Charters and look soon for a few more to be added to our  MSP & DTW Hubs as well with authentic 1960's routes that NWA used the vintage aircraft on.

Hope you all enjoy the aircraft and again thanks for all you do for vNWA and making it what it is today.


vNWA Flight Ops





To all KMEM Pilots,

 The vNWA KMEM Assinstant Hub Manager Position is open for applications, if you are interested check the vNWA Policy manual for requirements, and send an email to  We are looking to have this position filled by Nov 1, 2017.

Department of Human Resources

Virtual Northwest Airlines



updated 4/13/17

Pilot Roster

Pilot ID Name Rank Domicile Hours Flights Last Flight
NWA3000 Devin Caliri Dual Hub Management United States 8900 2188 02/01/2025
NWA3002 Robert Mick First Officer United States 0 0 None
NWA3003 John Waller First Officer United States 1 1 11/29/2022
NWA3004 Connor Nix First Officer United States 1 1 01/01/2025
NWA3005 Tim Baron First Officer United States 2 3 12/23/2024

Total Hub Hours: 8904.15
Total Hub Flights: 2193

Current Vatsim Metar

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